MinJi Park

I explore the intersection of graphic design, space, and publication—blurring the boundaries between the tangible and the conceptual. About

1. The Sensoria
2. Design Is
3. Flaneur
4. 5Days Museum

5. TerTor
6. Refresh for Connection
7. Jungle
8. Daydream  
9. Monthly J

Publication, Space-based,
Photography, Package,
Real-world, Paper, Installation

📩 minjiparkystudio@gmail.com

The Sensoria,
Biannual Art Festival


A multi-sensory art festival that redefines how we experience art through touch, taste, and sound.

Curatorial Statement

The Sensoria, a biannual art festival explores how art engages the human senses. In today’s fast-paced digital world, where we often lose touch with the tactile, olfactory, and gustatory dimensions that ground us. The Sensoria reconnects us through installations by eight visionary artists and designers, each exploring sensory perception and synesthesia.

Location Research
The festival blurs the line between fine art and design, taking place across multiple locations, including a public art festival in Chicago. These spaces invite audiences to experience art through their senses in new ways.

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